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A detail of the history of the Hamilton Memorial Church is contained in the attached document HISTORY AND JOINING OF PARISH CHURCH  however this can be viewed in the flip book below and a quick timeline is also provided below.


1843 Address made in Stonehouse by Rev. Buchan and Rev. Robert Paterson resulting in a proportion of the audience forming themselves into ‘The Stonehouse Free Presbyterian Church Association’ in preparation for Disruption Day

1843 ‘Disruption Day’ A day when 474 ministers walked out on the General Assembly in protest against certain principles of the established church

1843 Building fund established and site identified for a church. At a cost of £480 this church was to serve the congregation for 30 years before making way for a new church at the corner of Green Street

1843 Rev. W.K. Hamilton (d. 1887)
1st minister, retired to London c1877

1853 Following the Disruption of 1843, the Free Church opened its own school in Hill Road.Free Church School

1874 New church built and opened on September 26th, sitting 620, at a cost of £4000. A seated gallery extended around three sides of the church.

1878 Rev. James Laing (b. 1827 in Aberdeen, d. 1893)
2nd minister, came from Lesmahagow Parish

1880 Baptismal font gifted to the church

1884 Church sustained storm damage during hurricane

1894 Rev. James Deas
3rd minister, accepted call from Kirkcaldy Union Church in 1919. During his ministry the church became known as the Hamilton Memorial United Free Church.

1919 Rev. George R. Robertson
4th minister, from Tranent, accepted call from Lochlee Road Church, Dundee in 1930.

1929 Union of Churches

1931 Rev. James McDonald
5th minister, accepted call to Neilston South Church in 1934

1931 Hamilton Memorial Church Woman’s Guild formed

1935 Rev. David Doig
6th minister, accepted call to High Street Church, Dumbarton in 1940. Further information on the doig’s can be obtained from the following link. DOIG

1936 Free Church School (Hill Road) burned down in fire on this year

1940 Rev. R. Gourlay Black

7th minister, accepted call to St.Rollox Church, Glasgow in 1946. Rev. Black conducted many united services with St.Ninian’s until the Union of Hamilton Memorial Church and St.Ninian’s Church

1954 Hamilton Memorial Church demolished

The following documents provide an insight into the social and organisation of the church including its sustenation fund.




Death notice of Mrs Walker.

Pencil Line drawing by Bob Anderson